Jet Mud Mixer Delivered to Poland Mud Company

The  Jet Mud Mixer customized by TR Solids Control for a Poland Mud Company was sent to the site yesterday. TRSLH150 jet mud mixer s a mud mixing device specially designed for drilling mud preparation in oil fields. Jet mixing device can make the mud material into the water quickly and form qualified mud to meet the needs of rapid drilling.
Jet Mud Mixer
Jet Mud Mixer is mainly composed of centrifugal pump, jet mixer hopper and pipeline. The mud is transported by centrifugal pump at high speed, and a vacuum zone is formed in the mixing chamber under the mud funnel through the nozzle of the hopper. The mud material is poured into the water through the entrance above the mud hopper, which will be quickly integrated into the water.

Jet Mud Hopper
The jet mud mixer produced by TianRui Solids Control not only can be used in mud station, but also has been equipped with jet mud mixer in mud tanks of most wells. In order to save the cost, some customers supply the sand pump of the desilter to the aggravating hopper, which is used as the aggravating pump.

Contact us

Sunny Lee | Sales manager

M(WhatsApp): +86 13186019379



Best wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019 from TR Solids Control

Characteristics of the TR Series Mud Cleaner Structure