Trend of HDD&Trenchless System

Horizontal Directional Drilling Method
The mud used in the HDD&Trenchless system must be a mixture of freshwater and mud materials that meet the geological conditions, not just clear water, because the flowing water does not have the corresponding carrying capacity and wall protection performance, and it will also continuously penetrate into the surrounding rock strata, leading to borehole collapse or Shrinkage will increase the drag and rotation pressure and cause excessive wear on drill pipes and drilling tools.
Horizontal Drilling Rig

At present, the main methods of HDD&Trenchless system in China are similar to oil drilling methods, such as dilution, precipitation and mechanical removal. The three way is not to use one single type, but to mix and match each other. Solid state control system is a commonly used method for horizontal directional crossing mud recovery. He can separate the large solid particles from the mud effectively, and keep a large amount of bentonite and other drugs in the mud. Only a small amount of bentonite can make the mud meet the construction requirements. In this way, the amount of bentonite is greatly reduced, and the cost is greatly reduced. This HDD&Trenchless system is widely used abroad and has a good response. But horizontal directional traversing development in China is slow. This is ignored. This system is not seen in many large HDD projects. Only a small number of discerning bosses are equipped with this system. By using HDD&Trenchless system, the cost is reduced and profits are increased.

HDD&Trenchless System Construction Site

In view of the characteristics of HDD&Trenchless system and the present situation of its mud handling system, Xi'an TianRui Petroleum Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. has developed a new multi-functional HDD mud suitable for HDD&Trenchless system by combining the solid control system of mud used in oil drilling with the characteristics of HDD&Trenchless system. Purification treatment system. It is equipped with mud shale shaker, desander, desilter, decanter centrifuge, mud agitator, jet mud mixing device, mud tank, etc. It realizes the integrated operation of mud filtration, dosing and mixing, which is convenient, tidy and easy to operate. Our company also launched a mini mud purification device according to the small HDD&Trenchless project. The mini mud purification system can realize the primary filtration of drilling mud shale shaker and the two stage purification function of desander.

Contact us

Xi'an TianRui Petroleum Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Add: No.10 West of North Second Rig,Weiyang District,Xi'an,China
TEL: +86-29-86332919 / + 86-13186019379



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